About us

Representatives from organisations which called the Foundation into being

Representatives from organisations which called the Foundation into being

Fundacja Fairtrade Polska (Fairtrade Polska Foundation) is a national non-profit organization with headquarters in Krakow, Poland. The Foundation statue – updated in 2024 – is available here.

The Foundation was registered in Krakow on 13.9.2013. Before that date it used to function as an informal Fair Trade Coalition, created on 16.3.2009. The Coalition founders include, among others, the Polish Humanitarian Action – one of the most well-known Polish non-governmental organizations as well as other social economy entities (small Fair Trade enterprises).

Fairtrade Marketing Organization

In April 2015 the Foundation became an official representative of Fairtrade International in Poland. Fairtrade International is the owner of the Fairtrade Mark placed on Fairtrade-certified products. Fairtrade Deutschland has kindly taken the role of a mentor for Fairtrade Polska.


  1. Agnieszka Bińkowska formerly running a company called Szczypta Świata
  2. Fundacja EkoRozwoju
  3. Dorota Kocurek-Poznańska running a company called Pozytywna zmiana Kocurek-Poznańska Dorota (Jarmarki świata)
  4. Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych „Źródła”
  5. Polska Akcja Humanitarna
  6. proFT LTD
  7. Maria Monika Stalony running a company called Biosprawiedliwi Maria Monika Stalony
  8. Stowarzyszenie Lokalnych Ośrodków Twórczych
  9. Związek Stowarzyszeń Polska Zielona Sieć


Foundation Council

  1. Grzegorz Gruca (Polska Akcja Humanitarna) – The Chairman of the Foundation Council
  2. Andrzej Smok (proFT LTD) – A member of the Foundation Council
  3. Dorota Kocurek-Poznańska – A member of the Foundation Council
  4. Agnieszka Bińkowska (Szczypta Świata) – A member of the Foundation Council
  5. Joanna Szabuńko (Buy Responsibly Foundation) – A member of the Foundation Council
  6. Krzysztof Marcin Słaboń (Stowarzyszenie Lokalnych Ośrodków Twórczych) – A member of the Foundation Council
  7. Maria Monika Stalony (Biosprawiedliwi) – A member of the Foundation Council
  8. Monika Aleksandra Onyszkiewicz (Fundacja EkoRozwoju) – A member of the Foundation Council

Control Committee

  1. Monika Onyszkiewicz – The Chairwoman of the Control Committee
  2. Dorota Kocurek-Poznańska – A member of the Control Committee
  3. Grzegorz Gruca – A member of the Control Committee

Management Board

  1. Andrzej Żwawa – Chair of the Management Board
  2. Zbigniew Szalbot – Member of the Management Board

You can reach the board at board@fairtrade.org.pl. Please click here for more contact details (site in Polish).

We are a member of

Main partner organizations at the international level

Main partner organizations at the national level

Our vision

Our vision is a world in which all producers can enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential and decide on their future.

Our mission

Our mission is to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives. We carry out our mission by taking actions aimed at increasing availability of Fairtrade products, raising awareness, education in sustainable development and responsible consumption, as well as in advocacy.


The Foundation has been established in order to:

  1. Develop and promote Fair Trade
  2. Raise awareness and create a positive image of Fair Trade
  3. Develop representation of the Fair Trade movement in Poland
  4. Support entities interested in working for Fair Trade
  5. Support initiatives aimed at ensuring accessibility of Fair Trade products in Poland
  6. Support research on Fair Trade operation and its impact on the producers
  7. Carry out activities supporting sustainable development

There are two strategic paths we are taking to ensure our mission is carried out. First of all, we focus on educating consumers, showing Fair Trade as a viable solution to the current problems affecting small producers in the global South. Secondly, we help SMEs to engage in selling Fair Trade products and supporting Fair Trade in order to actually help make a difference to producers in the global South.

Contact details and resources

Please click here to find out how to contact us. Please take a look at the Fairtrade resources in English.

Main activities

Although strategically we want to support all stakeholders: consumers, NGOs and business, so far most emphasis has been placed on educating consumers, both current and future ones (i.e. pupils and students) in the realm of Fair Trade.

Reports for the past years:

Recent projects

  • Project „Aware, Fair and Engaged. Creating foundations for the Fair Trade Schools campaign”
  • In 2014 we were able to secure funds for this project in cooperation with organisations:

    Fairtrade Česko a Slovensko (Czechy)

    Drustvo Humanitas

    TVU Mondo

    Fair Trade á Íslandi

    We will use this opportunity to get school children to learn about trade inequities, the need for fairer trade and the concept of Fair Trade/Fairtrade. Using a series of interactive lessons, games and fun activities, we hope to engage children in campaigning for a fairer world.

    Historic information about informal Polish Fair Trade Coalition (2009-2013)

    The informal Coalition was created on 16.3.2009 to promote the Fair Trade movement in a coordinated way in Poland, in tandem with international movement structures, seeking to increase the availability of Fair Trade products and supporting businesses, organisations, institutions and individuals interested in Fair Trade.

    Members of the informal Coalition consisted exclusively of NGOs, while companies and individuals from all over Poland had a partner status:

    Members of the informal Coalition:

    1. Dom Spotkań im. Angelusa Silesiusa
    2. Fundacja Ekorozwoju
    3. Fundacja na rzecz Edukacji Obywatelskiej im. Alana Turinga
    4. Fundacja Projekt Caracol
    5. Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekologicznych
    6. Grupa eFTe Warszawa
    7. Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych „Źródła”
    8. Polska Akcja Humanitarna
    9. Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sprawiedliwego Handlu „Trzeci Świat i My”
    10. Stowarzyszenia Lokalnych Ośrodków Twórczych
    11. Salezjański Wolontariat Misyjny „Młodzi Światu”
    12. Towarzystwo dla Natury i Człowieka
    13. Związek Stowarzyszeń Polska Zielona Sieć

    Partners of the informal Coalition:

    1. Biosprawiedliwi
    2. BioKurier
    3. Firma Handlowo-Usługowa „Fuente”
    4. Jarmarki Świata
    5. Kępa Cafe
    6. proFT LTD
    7. Natura Rzeczy
    8. Sprawiedliwy Handel w praktyce
    9. Szczypta Świata